Board/Fan Relationship



  • I just want to go to the remaining games get behind the team and hopefully get the points to stay up without any further drama.
  • suz, re stewards at the front staying put when there was trouble further back... but isn't that a good thing?

    If they'd all beetled off to the directors box area, there could have been more pitch invasions and then we'd be saying why did they leave their posts?

    I'm more thinking why weren't there stewards 'on standby' sort of thing, to be able to move to areas that needed reinforcing?
  • I couldn’t watch the game but am I right that the first pitch invasion was just after the first goal? Would’ve been quite some concerted effort to have timed the distraction of stewards in time for that. Unless Hart was in on it.

    I’d be interested to know how they investigated it. I’d assume they found a WhatsApp group on someone’s phone but do they even have he authority to have looked at someone’s phone?
  • The article makes it sound as if the protesting West Ham fans were like some type of well organised insurgent terrorist organisation that have planned this for weeks with synchronised watches, diversionary tactics and coded pass words. A spokesman for West Ham fans, Nestor Makhno, described this article as piffle.
  • I think it might depend on the carrier. I can’t get any signal (phone or data) but my friend can. He’s on Vodafone.
  • You Idiot Madcap !
    Piffle was the code word !!!!!!!!!!

    Now everybody knows
    All that time we spent teaching you the secret handshake ;doh
  • bbb


    I'm not above accepting that the security company might lie to try to cover their embarrassment, but it is a rather blatant lie if it is one.

    At this point in time I would take it as a blatant lie.
  • MrsG

    I was referring to the statement which stated that resources had been deliberately diverted, by the protesters, when in fact visible resources didn't move a muscle.

    Makes me wonder what the orange jacketed cordon is for?
  • BBB, never fear, there will be a meeting held by WHIM (west ham insurrectionary movement) at a time and place unbeknownst to you or I that shall re-set both password and hand shake. Said password and handshake will by divulged to the masses at an allotted time, yet to be determined, at the next home game in a twin pincer touch, whisper and pass it on movement. A sort of slightly embarrassed, self conscious Mexican wave. Once the major rabble rousers are confident that "the masses" have memorised and perfected the latest call to arms it will take an almost imperceptible signal to engender another pitch invasion (four bemused looking chaps, one armed with a plastic stick) and a lot of shouty, pointy people shouting and pointing.
  • suz - gotcha ;ok
  • The only true outcome for me is to get ownership of that stadium. The biggest failing of the board; is getting us a foot halfway in the door there. Levy would have that rebuilt by now. I would tell the government that everyone can get lost (athletics especially), or we will start looking at other lands. No one else needs that headache of a place except us. Ideally athletic should have been handed the keys, and gone bankrupt in a few hrs trying to maintain it. I would get 15,000 in safe standing and build chicken runs over the athletics track. Job done. For me everything else is just a bandaid.
  • or we will start looking at other lands.

    We signed a contract. How do you suggest we break it?

    I would get 15,000 in safe standing and build chicken runs over the athletics track.

    How will you get them to change the rules so that there can be 'safe standing'?
  • Levy tried to get the stadium to knock down but couldn’t.
  • Levy tried to get the stadium to knock down but couldn’t.

    Possibly the only sensible long term solution for that place.
  • Karen Brady says the board except the blame for everything management players and the new stadium but says it was the right move and we haven’t spent wisely
  • And spent 80 million on players 2016/17 but surely that isn’t net spend anyone answer that for me please and I’m not be funny just interested
  • edited March 2018
    Macca85 said:

    If they do that then in my eyes it’s been great business from us.

    For the board, great business, but it will still leave us in an unsuitable stadium as I can't see G&S spending the cash to knock it down and build a new one. All it will do is make them more money when they sell us.

    Knowing them they'll probably even accept covenants that stop the site being redeveloped in the future if it gets them a cheaper deal ;doh
  • Why would they need retractable seats? If the stadium was ours, we woudn't have to move seats to accommodate athletics.
  • What do you want them to do to the roof? Do you want a fully enclosed stadium, or a retractable roof, or what?
  • Cuz1 said:

    Karen Brady says the board except the blame for everything management players and the new stadium but says it was the right move and we haven’t spent wisely

    In The Sun.

    THE SUN!

    Holey socks, Batman, if she wants to communicate with the fans, why not use the OS?

    Absolute stupidity, or simple venality, as it ensures plenty of click throughs for her column on the website.

    Dictionary definition of own goal, imo.

  • edited March 2018
    Macca85 said:

    therefore the owners will allow that business to drown in debt then take it off there hands at a low price.

    Which owners? I'm not clear.

    Do you mean the current owners (E20Stadium LLP, which is a joint venture between Newham and the GLC) will allow debts to pile up.

    Then our owners will buy it at a knockdown price and take on all that debt?
  • edited March 2018

    In The Sun.

    THE SUN!

    Holey socks, Batman, if she wants to communicate with the fans, why not use the OS?

    Unfortunately the protesters probably read ? the sun ;lol
    Cue Jasper Carrot "sun reader" sketch ;whistle

  • edited March 2018
    Karren Brady does not give a monkeys about anybody's opinion.
    She is busy building a brand for herself.
    She will never get sacked by Sullivan, (she probably knows too much).
    Even after being asked outright at the fans meeting not to continue with her Sun column, she goes and does this.
    Rather than listen to criticism and listen to other opinions, it seems to me, following the media interest of the last week, that the Board are going to actively 'push back' against the many allegations made against them.
    With the so called 'organised' protest and the hurling of 'at least 30 coins' reports, they are IMO still trying to build up an alternative truth about the days events, and the causes of the unrest.

    A clear and concise press release on the OS, admitting to past failures, addressing the shortfalls of the stadium move, a promise to substantially invest in the squad, and an appeal to get behind the team would be well received IMO, and would help to heal a lot of wounds.

    I bet that doesnt happen though.

    What an odious person she is
  • It is her business if she chooses to write for the Sun, odious as I find the choice personally. I think it was a daft thing to bring up at the meeting.

    For me, the issue is writing to the fans via the Sun, instead of via the OS.
  • edited March 2018
    Never understood how Brady has got on the boards of so many companies and is held up as some sort of tsar for entrepreneurship - has she ever started a business, put her own capital/money at risk and built it up etc? I’m not aware she ever has (but happy to be proved wrong). She also only got the job with sully at Birmingham by virtue of her father?
  • I think it was a valid point to raise at the meeting as she writes about football matters and in doing so anything she writes reflects on West Ham.
    If she was writing on another subject then fair enough.
  • edited March 2018

    Cuz1 said:

    Karen Brady says the board except the blame for everything management players and the new stadium but says it was the right move and we haven’t spent wisely

    In The Sun.

    THE SUN!

    Holey socks, Batman, if she wants to communicate with the fans, why not use the OS?

    Absolute stupidity, or simple venality, as it ensures plenty of click throughs for her column on the website.

    Dictionary definition of own goal, imo.

    Indeed sir...she makes yet another mistake by using her column to admit to the endless mistakes they've couldn't make it up ;doh
  • Herb

    Then they should have raised that as an issue, rather than suggesting she stops writing the column, imo.


    Seems to me irrelevant how people get a start, it's whether they can carry on. It seems indisputable that Brady is a successful businesswoman.
  • Grey

    She’s forged herself a fantastic path and position no doubt

    I don’t agree that this necessarily makes her a successful business woman. Unless the business in question is Karren Brady herself.
  • baracks

    Then I guess it comes down to definition of terms.

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