Board/Fan Relationship



  • edited March 2018

    Who said there was controversy?

    I did.

    You didn't find it painful to read. And said so.

    Someone else did, and said so.

    Seems to me they are both statements of fact.

    Not sure why you need to categorise it as a 'dig' never mind a 'cheap' one.
    I didn’t feel there was a need to comment on the blokes writing ability or ridicule it in any way, each to their own
  • edited March 2018

    Who said there was controversy?
    I did.

    You didn't find it painful to read. And said so.

    Someone else did, and said so.

    Seems to me they are both statements of fact.

    Not sure why you need to categorise it as a 'dig' never mind a 'cheap' one.
    I didn’t feel there was a need to comment on the blokes writing ability or ridicule it in any way, each to their own
    Where did I ridicule it? I said it was painful to read and as I have said, for me it was. That isn't ridiculing it.
  • Found it easy to follow
  • I found it somewhat difficult to read because I am used to certain sentence structures and as a teacher of ESL I notice the errors a lot faster than some (who probably simply don't mind or care)

    The point is that if I am posting on behalf of a group of people I ought to make sure my spelling and grammar is - if not spot on - at least not that detrimental to the experience of the reader. It's pretty much the other end of the stick used to beat the Daves with. The message being "think before you post".

    I write a lot of official stuff and I usually write and then let it lie for a while. Then I read through again. And if neccessary, I let others read through what I have written.
  • (Not a reflection on Munich's previous post, but a more general comment on the tone of this thread at times.)

    A polite reminder about being polite.

    As often, when feelings are strongly held, things can get a bit tetchy (to say the least.)

    Can we remind members that respectful disagreement is fine, but ill-humoured sniping really isn't.
  • edited March 2018
    I agree this post is both one of the more interesting and one of the most unpleasant. Within the argument sides have been taken and it seems to have pushed buttons and it is getting more personal and prickly than most.

    I am not sure if I imagined it ( as cannot currently find it ) but I think I recall reading at some stage some general rules for the site in which it was made clear not to criticise peoples spelling or grammar which I think is the correct approach. What matters is the content and view and if that can be established then that's all that should matter, and if not a sincere request for clarification is never going to be refused.

    I also recall reading a post asking for certain emojis or buttons to not be used to wind up or belittle but the one with the man holding his chin is clearly being used this way at times.
  • edited March 2018

    I am not sure if I imagined it ( as cannot currently find it ) but I think I recall reading at some stage some general rules for the site in which it was made clear not to criticise peoples spelling or grammar which I think is the correct approach.

    You haven't imagined it ;ok But the rule applies only to posts made by members on here. People out in the wider world aren't covered by site rules.

    I also recall reading a post asking for certain emojis or buttons to not be used to wind up or belittle but the one with the man holding his chin is clearly being used this way at times.

    Again, you remember correctly - although so far it has been the ;lol (as a smiley or a 'made me laugh' button) and the ;doh as response to what another members has posted that have been causing problems.

    The ;hmm hasn't as yet been a problem like the other 2. If you see a post that (through smiley or comment) seems to be a deliberate wind up or belittling, please do flag it, and it can be looked at. It may be that a simple request for clarification will sort things out, but it may need to be modded ;ok
  • edited March 2018
    Moojor said:

    Where did I ridicule it? I said it was painful to read and as I have said, for me it was. That isn't ridiculing it.

    If I had written that Moojor would you’ve or expressed an opinion that is was “painful” to read? I’m going to stick my neck out and say you wouldn’t of....I’m just trying to figure out what you were trying to achieve by posting that type of comment, given Andy Swallows history/so called reputation.

  • Nice try, Ham.

  • edited March 2018

    Moojor said:

    Where did I ridicule it? I said it was painful to read and as I have said, for me it was. That isn't ridiculing it.

    If I had written that Moojor would you’ve or expressed an opinion that is was “painful” to read? I’m going to stick my neck out and say you wouldn’t of....I’m just trying to figure out what you were trying to achieve by posting that type of comment, given Andy Swallows history/so called reputation.

    Well, no he wouldn't, because it would have been against site rules. Any pain he experienced would have had to remain a private matter.

  • edited March 2018
    MrsGrey said:

    You haven't imagined it ;ok But the rule applies only to posts made by members on here. People out in the wider world aren't covered by site rules.

    Surely this rule was added to the site because it is a way demonstrating a kind way of respecting other people in general, and I would imagine we would extend that to all regardless of being a member of the group or not.

    If the rule is thought through for all the right reasons, surely we would want to extend in general to the site.

    If Moojor is suggesting his reason for posting that was because he was genuinely in pain physical or mental at attempting to establish the points made due to the grammar used then I will accept that, but I feel sure the reason we put this rule on the site is because it is a way on many forums in which people exploit a persons lack of expertise in expression or grammar to belittle and put down rather than address the post through manner of debate. For me it's point of respect and general kindness.

  • And there for all to see is my lack of expertise in how not to quote a partial part of a post. I know it looks like it's all from Mrs Grey so I have put italics on my response otherwise it could look like she is talking to herself, which I am sure she never does.
  • edited March 2018
    Sorry, c+b. It just isn't going to happen.

    We aren't going to restrict opinions about non-site members, as long as the language used doesn't break the no swearing rule.

    Over the years, a large number of people (from current owners to former manager, from public figures to fans of other clubs) have come in for a bit of a bashing for whatever reason - Andy Swallow is just the latest.

    If site members want to take it upon themselves to treat all the same, they can do. But anyone who doesn't isn't going to get modded for it.
  • ;lol Too late - I fixed it for you ;ok
  • Oh I am more than happy to have anyone have their opinions held up to the light but this was about grammar and grammar alone, about this one rule if being made for the right reasons then being applicable in general, would you agree with that?

    I have no problem if anyone wants to share their opinion of a post or even the poster if they have put themselves into the public spotlight.
  • Oh I am more than happy to have anyone have their opinions held up to the light but this was about grammar and grammar alone, about this one rule if being made for the right reasons then being applicable in general, would you agree with that?

    No, I don't.
  • c&b


    The rule was made to ensure that people on here could feel comfortable posting, regardless of their familiarity or otherwise with rules of spelling or grammar.

    In a similar way, we don't let people on here call other users 'twonk', for example, but Lawro is fair game.

  • And Glen Hoddle. He’s a Twonk as well. ;ok
  • That's a fair example Grey and I appreciate that. It's only my opinion but I just feel that when someone criticises grammar etc there can sometimes be a little more spite or educational elitism than a simple 'twonk', and that's something that's not nice.

    I respect however that you have clarified your view and will leave it there. It is likely a reaction in myself to my own educational shortcomings and poor grammar at times.
  • edited March 2018
    Garth Crooks is a Twonk also ;ok
  • You've started something now Grey
  • I think spurs are all twonks
  • edited March 2018
    Dimitri Payet. Gallic twonk
  • Marco boogers. Twonk in a caravan.
  • edited March 2018

    Let's hope so!
  • Neil Warnock. Colin twonk.
  • Robbie Savage. Severe Twonkage
  • Hamstew said:

    Robbie Savage. Severe Twonkage

    Of the highest order, a legend in his own mind but in mine just another ordinary player
  • March has been called off I think?
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