Board/Fan Relationship



  • What, we're going straight to April? ;nonono
  • From the RWHFAG Facebook pages: -

    Greg Smith
    Admin · 37 mins
    RWHFAG was set up in November to galvanise the board into recognising that the REAL West Ham had died in the move from Upton Park to the Olympic stadium, that the promises made to keep the spirit alive had not been met and that with no evidence of meeting those promises despite the efforts of various supporter groups over time something had to be done differently. Our aims were encapsulated in the saying “a stadium fit for football an experience fit for fans”. Broadly speaking that incorporated potential uncovered seating pitch side, stewarding, heritage, the memorial garden, disability access and the overall fan experience - big flags in the ground, half time, statues, walkway to the ground etc. The march was put forward as an option as we had little traction following a meeting in January where we outlined our aims and given other groups similar experiences after meeting club representatives. The threat of the march has indeed brought Karren Brady to several meetings and David Sullivan to one and the agreement to work with the RWHFAG on finally delivering in a meaningful way on the groups aims. We hoped when we set out to get to this position - that we have achieved this much in such a short time is a testament to the power of each and every member of this group. The reason we called the march - to get the board to listen to us to acknowledge our legitimate concerns and to work with us have been achieved - on this basis the RWHFAG see no further reason to march, which some individuals found difficult to accept but is nonetheless the position. This means that £20K plus - the vast bulk of the money raised - less expenses for stickers,flyers etc - will now be going to the Isla fund and presented at half time at an upcoming game. We will be contacting our founder members to discuss a way ahead for the group in our ongoing dialogue with the club to deliver on the commitments made to us. We would like to thank everyone for their support -RWHFAG members and the supporters and admin of all the other groups we have worked with to get us to this position where the board are listening to and working with the supporters for the benefit of the club as a whole. We believe that the club and the board want to deliver these changes and see the power of working together on this. This is a great opportunity for unity of purpose between the club and West Ham fans and that we can all work together for the common goal of making West Ham as great as it can be
    In anticipation that people would have been traveling without tickets to the march we purchased a group booking - anyone who still wants to attend the game please contact us . People who are traveling from abroad and have difficulties coming over now please PM Andy thanks
  • Hamstew said:

    March has been called off I think?

    Very difficult decision just been made by the looks of it.

    My read of the situation is that the club have really gone out of their way to listen and accommodate so many requests that the organisers had to either allow it to be become a board out group or accept they wanted listening to and have been.

    However the decision taken ends the size of momentum behind them and quite likely the ability to wield that size of group as a power again as it will now splinter.

    I would fully expect a splinter group to emerge at this point and try to resurrect the march on the grounds that their aims had still not been met. But once the splinter has occurred it's likely finished as the force it could have been.

  • People on Twitter saying Sullivan paid them off?
  • Personally I would have tried make the case to members that we were being listened to and that if we reject the board for doing what we were asking then we end up no where. Make the march a show of solidarity and a warning to the club but around the narrative that it's now time to deliver, no more chances. Allow it before had to be known that after this march a period of time would be allowed before the next demonstration in which significant progress would be expected to be delivered in the intentions promised.

    To take away the march completely will splinter. It would not have been easy but they could have changed the narrative of the march more easily than just remove it.
  • edited March 2018
    May contain language offensive to some.

  • inb4 sellouts and so on comments.
  • ?

    Sorry, what does that mean?
  • Some of the other groups involved are still going to march I believe
  • There's a Twitter page called Normal West Ham fans and I wish it was funnier. #missedopportunity
  • Yeah loads of other people are still marching by the looks of it.
  • I’ve not been keeping up to speed with t all, but I had been under the impression that the people who signed up to the group felt represented by the organisers, and trusted in them. Surely if those organisers are now saying it isn’t the right thing to do, they would trust in them, right? Or is it that the group didn’t actually represent their views and they just wanted to march?

    Surely the point was to engage in conversation with the club and seek commitment for change, not to have a march regardless of their actions?
  • Well we get some new flags to wave before the game. Marvellous.
  • If I am reading your tone, you are underwhelmed with progress.

    Were you hoping that all the changes/requirements you wanted would have been agreed and put in place within 2 weeks of the initial meeting?
  • What changes?
  • I was referring to the list you posted (took me ages to find it ;weep )
    IronHerb said:

    The initial 5 points raised and sent to the club are:

    1 : Must take up full away ticket allocation

    2 : Memorial garden to be maintained regularly

    3: The Hammer and Castle badge to be recognised with immediate effect on match programme and, in future, in the stadium

    4 : The owners to be more professional on social media i.e remove the Sullivan kids from speaking on the clubs behalf

    5 : The 15 minute interval must be managed better in the food & drink kiosks as it currently impossible to get to the toilets get a drink and be back for the restart a for the second half

  • But they were agreed months ago from my understanding. The march and the latest brouhaha, I thought, were about more far reaching topics such as the so called misleading aspirations, if thats the correct word, seating proximity to the pitch, transfer matters, communications and more. These were worthy matters, imo, but seem to have been discarded.
    The BoD were never going to change their ways but the pressure brought about by the intent to march had at least brought them to the table. A wasted opportunity from where I sit.
    I'll add that I was never going to march but the RWHFAG had my general support in trying to bring the BoD to account.
  • Apparently The Board have promised to match any donations made by RWHFAG to the Isla fund I.E. double the twenty odd thousand pounds and have an ex player present the cheque on pitch at half time, on the basis, however, that the march was cancelled. Now on the face of it this looks like a nice gesture and puts the RWHFAG representatives in a very difficult position. If this is true, to me, this is a new low. Slimy and manipulative beyond belief.

    There are also suggestions on WHO that threats have been made to RWHFAG representatives via the criminal underworld. There is no proof, and possibly never will be, that the financial offer was conditional and the threats of violence are true and can be substantiated. But, I have a feeling that something has gone on above and beyond promises to display a couple of badges and weed the memorial gardens to call off the march.

    As I have said previously, I cannot muster the required oomph to march over a bunch of chaps kicking a bag of air around. But I know that there will be thousands of disappointed Hammers this morning who feel let down. As others have said, it looks like many thousands may still march, and although it looks like GSB have initially played a blinder, the mood now is probably more militant and more anti board.

    As Trump would say SAD!
  • Thing is Madcap if the donation aspect you state is true then RWHFAG could have stated this and stood down, after all the care of a sick child surpasses anything football, without losing too much/any face but they didn't.
  • Most things in life are more important than football, to most people anyway. I just can`t believe, or don`t want to believe, that the health of a young child was used as a "bargaining chip". It`s beyond, in fact I`m lost for words. ;ok
  • Apparently The Board have promised to ...

    If this is true, ...

    There are also suggestions ....

    There is no proof, and possibly never will be, ...

    But if there is no proof for all of this, why do you accept it as true beyond doubt?

    As has been said before, the march would have been bad press for the club and not the Daves. I dare say that the possibility of a march still remains so if a compromise was reached between the groups and the owners to call it off and the groups were happy to do so to keep animosities down in future discussions, why not?

    I just don't get it why somebody would deliberately discount anything and everything coming from the owners.
  • edited March 2018
    IronHerb said:

    Thing is Madcap if the donation aspect you state is true then RWHFAG could have stated this and stood down, after all the care of a sick child surpasses anything football, without losing too much/any face but they didn't.

    So, are you of the opinion it isn't true, because the RWHG didn't? Or that the RWHFG missed a trick and if they had stood down for that reason nobody would be too cross about it?

    I'm not sure what point you are trying to make (sorry) ;puzzled
  • Sorry, I`m confused Munich, I thought that I`d made it obvious that these are all rumours and not substantiated. What I have said is that I don`t want to believe these are true. Don`t think these things will ever be proved either way. Although there was a statement released by RWHFAG that money was offered to the Isla fund on the condition that the march was cancelled. But as I wasn`t there I don`t know if this statement is true or not. What I`m saying is IF true then to me this is a new low.
  • Sorry, I`m confused Munich, I thought that I`d made it obvious that these are all rumours and not substantiated. What I have said is that I don`t want to believe these are true.

    So don't.

    Until more info comes out.
  • I just can`t believe, or don`t want to believe, that the health of a young child was used as a "bargaining chip". It`s beyond, in fact I`m lost for words. ;ok

    This is what I interpreted as "I believe what is being said (although you might not want to believe it)

    If I have misinterpreted what you wrote, I am sorry.
  • edited March 2018
    I don't believe it, and will not do so unless convincing proof emerges.

    Any fool with a keyboard can put out anything they like on soshallow meejah.

    What I find bizarre is that, without any evidence, other people are prepared to believe whatever is written.
  • MrsGrey said:

    IronHerb said:

    Thing is Madcap if the donation aspect you state is true then RWHFAG could have stated this and stood down, after all the care of a sick child surpasses anything football, without losing too much/any face but they didn't.

    So, are you of the opinion it isn't true, because the RWHG didn't? Or that the RWHFG missed a trick and if they had stood down for that reason nobody would be too cross about it?

    I'm not sure what point you are trying to make (sorry) ;puzzled
    I didn't know at the time of writing, did you?

    I now believe the Club are matching the RWFAG contribution to the fund as it's been reported in minutes of Wednesdays meeting.
  • No.

    Thanks for clarifying.
  • Munich ;ok No need for apologies.

    Ironherb. I read the minutes/statement from RWHFAG before I posted, it`s where I got the info from. However, even though "in print" so to speak, I cannot prove, (as no-one can unless there in person), that what is said at meetings and documented is 100% gospel. Again IF what has been documented is true then I find the sentiment "call off the march and we will donate £20,000 to the Isla fund" reprehensible.

    I have also said in the past that although not particularly liking the board, I would much prefer them to a Russian oligarch (gangster) or Saudi oil thief. I have no particular axe to grind but (and perhaps this is just me) that snippet of info, the donation, is wrong on every level.

    I`m not a fan particularly of the Premier League and the vast sums of money involved. Money seems the answer to everything, and if money has been the answer to calling off the march, however good the cause, then I think I`ll stick to watching my daughters team on a Sunday.
  • I think there is confusion and at present and splintering because the politics was not got right, from what I can see the admin initially and throughout took a position of we are representing you, this is not about us but then took the biggest decision that there was on there own without consulting members, members who had offered money to fund the march and organisation itself.

    I have been following the similarities within the movement to a union and this is where the politics went wrong as they needed ballot, even if through nothing more than a facebook poll with regard their suggestion of calling off the march, after this was not done it was always going to work out badly.

    There is a lot of trust and big reputations among fans which is being questioned by many now. As communication is made I have no doubt the picture will become clearer but now the politics has been messed up the communication must be foot perfect.

    I will say the board have played a really good hand and I feel put the admin in a really difficult place by being so reasonable and accommodating that the admin had to either change their whole stance to we want the board out or do what has happened, go back to their large group of which some were attracted by the more extreme stance of board out arguably encouraged and fired up by themselves at times and say we are calling off the march.

    Could have done a few things
    1. Refuse to meet the board until after the march and state that the fans group wish to be heard and on a greater stage than a boardroom, but that we will sit down afterwards. This is then a show of strength and the march would have been big so would have focussed attention.
    2. Remove all personal responsibility by asking members whether they wish to march but attempt to persuade from within the group to a more reasonable position to side line the more extreme board out aspect.
    3. Change the narrative of the march by explaining we accept in good faith your promises and will now make the march a celebration of the west ham we seek together to bring to the new stadium, a new start etc etc. In other words a far better natured march but one that would no doubt serve to demonstrate strength.

    None are without difficulties and obstacles but were better in my view than the path taken.
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