The 'couldn't think where else to put this' and decided it didn't merit a new thread thread



  • Madcap, the pitfalls of crocheting, often turns into a thumb apocalypse ;wink
  • edited November 2017
    IronHerb said:

    They have cars on Phobos? ;nonono

    Well, you can't expect them to walk everywhere.

    And they are very conscientious about the speed limit.
  • edited November 2017
    It is indeed flat.

    In fact it is shaped like disc traveling the universe on the backs of four giant elephants who stand on a giant turtle.
  • Ford Focus? Ford Phobos? Ford Prefect, surely. Whenever I use a locker for sport, I always try to get No.42. It's the answer to everything
  • Anyone recognise this fella?

    I was just watching the F1 grid walk (Abu Dhabi), and had to do a double take!

    Martin Brundle just walked past him as if he didn’t recognise him. Pfft.

  • Huddersfield one up. Giggle
  • Nothing to giggle about. If they don't pull this around they'll really want to take it out on us. They should be 2 or 3 up by now.
  • We had 'axolotl ' as a crossword solution today.

    I defy anyone to do an image search and not smile.
  • Mate needed Citeh to score just one to win £700 on pontoon.

    Got to 84 minutes...
  • Right I need to share a couple of things which irritate me immensely

    1) people who wear earphones and listen to music whilst doing an office job

    2) people who come in at 9 and then promptly have breakfast at their desks (no doubt using the company’s milk)

    I’ll probably find no-one shares my views, maybe I’m old fashioned..

  • 2) I always waited to get to work before I ate breakfast. I did always supply my own comestibles, though. ;biggrin
  • i do number 1 :)
  • last time I worked in an office, those earphones werent invented.... I think milk was though ;hmm
  • Sometimes 1 is necessary to shut out the annoying, overly chatty person. (If you don’t do 1, does that say something about you? ;wink)

    You know what’s worse? The colleague who comes in and watches TV programs without his headphones (it’s a small bureau).
  • Or people who go in on there day off to use subsidised canteen
  • Outcast, I currently have that problem re #1

    Since asking if he could seek help with his speech impediment he has been much quieter.

    He did ask "What impediment"

    I said, you seem to stop talking to breathe in
  • Right I need to share a couple of things which irritate me immensely

    1) people who wear earphones and listen to music whilst doing an office job

    2) people who come in at 9 and then promptly have breakfast at their desks (no doubt using the company’s milk)

    I’ll probably find no-one shares my views, maybe I’m old fashioned..


    I do 1 because at some point in the past all companies decided that open plan offices were the way to go and now you just have constant noise. So to shut that out and concentrate I wear headphones if I have to get something done quickly.

    I also do 2, because I get up at 4:30 to get in to the office for 8am, I'm just not hungry at 8 am, so I'll have breakfast at work.
  • Re 2) As long as it’s not smelly and not noisy, it’s fine with me.
  • Adam: so you'd be ok with a mime artist waving an air freshener around in front of you?? ;hmm
  • Are you saying mime artists need air fresheners in order to not smell? ;lol
  • No offense to mime artists, some of them are are good friends of mine ;wink but it can take a lot of effort to escape from an imaginary box ;yercoat
  • I see Trump is now retreating BritainFirst stories..

    Also not surprisingly the content is inaccurate, the story was "VIDEO: Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!"

    But according to Dutch media, culprit wasn't a Muslim. Also not a migrant. But a 16-year old Dutch boy from town of Edam-Volendam.

    He was arrested on May 13th 2017, one day after the incident happened.

    Makes you cry.....
  • I found it hard to believe when I saw what Trump had done, even by his standatds that is appalling.
  • Ack. Sat with two Liverpool fans who are fawning over Salah.

    The same two Liverpool fans who were up in arms in the summer because they didn't want a useless Chelsea reject in their team.

    Hate Liverpool fans.
  • A tough question, well for me anyway....

    Who is the only 2 players to have won the Champions League, the Premier League, the Europa League/UEFA Cup and the FA Cup and get relegated from the Premier League during their career?
  • vorse that is really tough
  • edited November 2017

    I will give you a hint the order it’s listed is not nessasirly the order in which the player experienced it...
  • I can think of Kanu who played for Arsenal and Portsmouth in England but I can't think of anyone else at the moment
  • Is one of them Wes Brown?
  • edited November 2017
    Thorn you got one of them... ;ok

    Baz no not Wes Brown..
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