The 'couldn't think where else to put this' and decided it didn't merit a new thread thread
Am I the only one getting 'Andrew Lloyd Webber in drag' from this?

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Once upon a time that what was the Booby Moore Stand
Parents should preview any content which does not come from a known 'safe' site (e.g. Disney, CBBC etc.)
On account of it is their responsibility.
Expert my foot. ;angry
Well done!
Although keeping the weight of is a matter of long term lifestyle changes...
Well, if weighing less is your aim, well done. ;thumbsup
But it seems to me it's not really very healthy. ;puzzled
Or my widow will. ;-)
;nonono ;whome
Good Luck! ;thumbsup
Not too much time to get boozed up then.
What is it with programs now that they feel obliged to give us the opinions of the great unwashed?
Just had a section on the snooker - professionals talking about the Ronnie business, fair enough.
Then over to some poor reporter who has to tell us what the views are on social meejah.
I mean, seriously!
If people want to know what other people on social mmejah think, they can go to social meejah sites. There is no need or use in tacitly validating the opinions of those who may well be sat in their room wearing a tin foil hat with crayons up their nostrils.
I know they have always done vox pops.
Couldn't say I ever thought they were much use either.
I have no issue with vox pops per se, but imo it should only be done when a cross-section of public opinion is really relevant - when it is an issue that directly affects them (eg, referendum or election-type stuff, or taxation, new laws etc). NOT opinions on every subject under the sun, when they have no remit, expertise or even knowledge on the matter.
I think it is pointless. But now that the www means there are unlimited column inches to be filled, and pressure to have something new on your site every five minutes, it is a trend that isn't going away any time soon. Unfortunately.
I really rate MNF where the pundits have great insight and are generally interesting but hate MOTD where Lineker et al are smug and treat us like complete idiots who need them to tell us what we've been watching.
I refuse to use Facebook and Twitter because 99.99% of what's posted is banal inconsequential garbage.
If I ever wanted to know what the vox was I just had to pop in to the local.
Would they have had (pre-internet + social media) 'What's happening when I strike up random conversations with people down the pub/in the supermarket queue/sitting near me on the bus'?
So why report what people are saying on twitter?
It's just the same.
Does the fact that its 'on the internet' lend these opinions of every Tom, Dick and Harriet some legitimacy? Or do they just not care?
That's what they need.