TV and Films



  • Didn't we get a trophy for winning the Champ Playoff?

    Man Utd, Arsenal, City, Spurs don't have one of them.... coyi
  • I really recommend Wind River. A murder/ thriller sort of thing set on an Indian reservation in Wyoming during winter.

    A young woman is found dead on the Wind River Reservation during winter. And someone is responsible!
  • edited October 2017
    ;nonono ;whome
  • edited November 2017

    don't watch Surbibicon from George Clooney, worst movie of the year possibly decade.

    Thor: Ragnarok was good fun, looking forward to Justice League and Star Wars.

    Checking out Murder on the Orient express soon.


    Walking Dead is back not bad but not great yet either at the moment hoping for some gritty stuff to go down soon.

    I found out they did a season 2 of the Shannara Chroniicle on Channel 5 it was so bad it was good so definitely getting on that bandwagon again.

    Lucifer on Amazon Prime still good

    started watching Preacher (bit weird but Dominic Cooper is a baller)
  • ;ok.

    Stranger Things on Netflix is very good.
  • oh yes stranger things season 2 finished it all in one day on a mass binge fest was very good. Be interesting how they do a season 3.
  • Love/loved Stranger Things. New Walking Dead pretty pants at the minute, and a bit all over the place and confusing. Don`t really get any time for telly now, and haven`t watched any of the common/popular box sets, but one thing we have been watching, which I think is brilliantly written and acted, is 13 Reasons Why. About half way through and it is pretty powerful stuff ;ok

    And one other thing, when did "series" become "season" ??
  • oh yes stranger things season 2 finished it all in one day on a mass binge fest was very good. Be interesting how they do a season 3.


    I'm still waiting to get round to Season 1!
  • edited November 2017
    Madcap Americanisms creep into everything. Even in the FA Cup the rounds are termed differently especially on the BBC. The first qualifying round is something like the round of 764
  • edited November 2017
    Although, if its an American-made programme, I suppose they are entitled to use American terminology when labelling it. ;hmm

    Re FA Cup, I've just looked on the BBC website, and they seem to call it Extra Preliminary Round and Qualifyng-First Round.
  • I like lethal weapon. There i said it.

    Not loving the second series of preacher but sticking with it.

    Thought Jungle was an ok film

    Can't wait for peaky blinders.
  • Enjoying Mindhunters on Netflix, just finished the first series.

    Depicts the formation of the first FBI serial killer profiling unit, dramatized and yet based on truth, apparently the prison dialogues are reproduced from the tapes of the actual real life interviews.

    A bit dark and maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but the tension in the interviews is palpable.

  • Justice League on Friday ;wahoo
  • Starting watching the new Star Trek I give it a humm our of 10...

    Mindhunters sounds interesting maybe switch...
  • Lord of the Rings TV series announced by Amazon :open_mouth:
  • ;hmm

    Really struggle to see what they could bring that was different to the films.
  • Oh, I see:
    The television adaptation will tell new stories based in the period preceding The Fellowship of the Ring,
    Sounds like a multi-million dollar recipe for disaster...
  • The Hobbit was a poor attempt to cash in, 9 hrs of films with new characters that were not in the book, with little of the darkness and all the time your thinking well we know where this is going....

    And this between the Hobbit and LotR timeline.

    Episode 1 Bilbo goes for a cup of tea...
  • Either they will have to introduce new characters, and hope people care about them, or lose all narrative uncertainty, since we know how the characters end up.
  • edited November 2017
    OR, as is the wont these days to precede everything with a warning, warn that "these programs are only suitable for viewers who have neither read the books nor seen the films".
  • Are they going to be based on the other books related to the LOTR world or just milking more out of the main books?
  • edited November 2017
    outcast ;ok

    There are lots of things they could adapt, based on the LotR appendices, and books like The Silmarillion. Some of those were touched on in the movies and books (Lay of Luthien, Elrond's wife, Thrain...the dwarf rings, Aragorn's mother, the 'Necromancer', the Last Alliance etc) all of which could potentially be a rich narrative stream....
  • edited November 2017
    The Hobbit is a truly delightful children's book which you can go back to as an adult and enjoy at that level. In my regard it is one of the greatest children's books ever written.

    Lord of the Rings is overly extended reinvention of Norse/Angle Saxon sagas, unimaginative, over winded, slightly adolescent and incredibly dull. And I used to be a huge fan of Tolkien when I was 14, 15 or there abouts.

    PS Game of Thrones is "Dallas and Dragons" with Cersei Lannister as Sue Ellen
  • I utterly disagree with your characterisation of the 2 Tolkein books.

    GoT, I wot not of.
  • I have to admit that I found LOR unreadable. But I was impressed by the films, I think they captured the Norse saga genre perfectly, better than the written word could. I hasten to add that all the English Lit graduates I listened to disagreed with me.
  • Plenty of material for amazon to work with but they need to nail it from episode 1. However i think Amazon need something big to compete with Netflix. Amazon prime is still behind Netflix when it comes to shows.
  • also missed all of the barrows stuff with Tom Bombadil
  • edited November 2017
    Thank goodness. yeold! Always thought it was a weak part (more suited to the Hobbit, in some ways. Also, though, thinking about it .... some elements of that section of the book could be material for the 'prequels')

    re, Scouring of the Shire, billy, I think they just cut 'extraneous' plot lines. I don't think they were worried abut 'darkness' as such, given the themes in the rest of the trilogy? There's probably an interview with the director somewhere that would explain it.

    I always thought it a shame it was missed out ... and I think it isn't the only part that have overtones of WW1 (I think the Frodo-Sam relationship does too). It (scouring of the shire) also offers a strongly anti-industrial perspective that appears elsewhere (Saruman destroying Fangorn, for example) that is a bit simplistic imo (bucolic = good; industrial = bad).
  • So the Ruffians were Brummies.

    I thought everything after chucking the ring into Mount Doom could have been left out of the film, it just dragged.
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