Board/Fan Relationship



  • IBL
    I'm genuinely fascinated - on what do you base that assertion ?

    And me
  • Then IBL should say "In my opinion" or IMO - I'm sure he knows the difference.
    Anyway - details please ;hmm
  • The clue that it is an opinion is that he said 'I think.'

  • "Its enough to make a small improvement" implies that there is proof to back up his claim = Assertion IMO ;lol
  • No. It implies he has a reason for holding the opinion.

    I think you have misunderstood his post. Or maybe misunderstood what is the difference between an assertion and an opinion, or maybe the difference between a reason and proof.

    Assertions can't, by definition, have proof.
  • 13000 ICF and friends marching? Are you sure? I'm a member of their FB but won't be marching so better make that 12999.
  • I never said it was going away. I said I don't believe 13000 will be marching.
  • IBL
    I'm genuinely fascinated - on what do you base that assertion ?

    Hernandez, Ayew, Arnautovic, Fonte are not players will would have traditionally had the benefit of having on the bench on huge salary’s for one. They are also highly regarded internationals and not players at the end of career or rebuilding their careers.

  • Whilst I appreciate protesting may not be conducive in maintaining peace and harmony around the club but if you are not happy with something you either suffer in silence or make your feelings known. It appears some of the fans have reached the point where silence is no longer an option. ;ok

    Very true. Obviously the march will not force the owners to sell up, however, I think this is now a huge turning point and the beginning of the end of the Daves time in charge.
  • I actually think results on the pitch will decide. I feel they have lost a lot of goodwill and they will be held responsible (justifiably or not) for any and all failures in team performance now, but their best hope is that Moyes manages to keep us in the safe position we are now as that will dampen down descent.

    Even though I understand and respect that this protest is not about results alone and more about the move and their lack of follow through I feel for it to gather the momentum to signal the end of them results being poor will bring in the undecided fans needed to create the groundswell to unnerve or unseat them.

    The March is planned for Mid March and so there are a couple of scenarios and something in between which may have a say on how many decide they need be held accountable.

    By March we could be in 8th slot after some good performances and results, Arnie could be banging them in for fun, Mario setting the pitch alight and Sully saying he will do all possible to meet Inters valuation and keep him, or by March we could be in the bottom three with tough matches ahead, Mario and Hugnil have barely made any impression and we look like going down.

    The first could make the fans who could be swayed either way ask what all the fuss is about and the second could make those same fans say yes you are right we need do something and now is the time.
  • I actually think results on the pitch will decide.
    I actually think the owners will decide.

    I think results will determine how much disgruntlement is displayed.

    My general impression of the owners is that they are unlikely to be driven out, if they don't want to sell.

    Of course, imagine the hysteria if they do sell, and make a whacking profit, after being hounded out by angry fans.

    I suspect there would then be a spot of 'told you they were only in it for the money.'

    Unless, but yes, that's it!

    This is all a conspiracy fuelled by the owners to provide a valid excuse for them to sell up!
  • edited February 2018

    I actually think the owners will decide.

    Oh rest assured that these two owners will only sell when they want too. Even 60,000 fans on a march won't change that.
    But it's clear to see now that many thousands of disgruntled fans are no longer falling for the PR and deceit and have had enough.
  • Macca85 said:

    The only reason there is a March is because the owners are incapable of keeping there mouths shut, make all these promises don’t carry them through then get held to account
    No promises no march
    One day they will learn to live in the shadows

    What promises have they made? I'm really interested in what people view were concrete promises and not just desires and aspirations for where they want the club to be.

  • edited February 2018

    Please don't quote entire posts, especially when they are long, unless it is really necessary. I've edited your post.
    many thousands of disgruntled fans are no longer falling for the PR and deceit
    This is exactly the kind of comment that gets me mithered, since the implication is that those who do not feel like these fans are too stupid to see through the owners, rather than accept that they have informed themselves and come to a different opinion.
  • Mr Grey....

    Well it's just the same when you hear remoaners tell leavers how thick, stupid, naive and ignorant they are for voting leave.
    Personally I wouldn't use such language as we are all west ham fans, however, it is clear that slowly the penny is dropping for many thousands of fans.
  • edited February 2018
    Not sure why you would choose to justify your behaviour by saying 'well, others do it', (particularly in a very different context) especially when it seems that you disapprove of it when they do.

    There is no 'penny' to drop, imo.

    Some fans are coming to conclusion that others would not draw.

    That's it.

    To insist that you and they have seen the light, or caught the dropping penny, is to imply that others have failed to do so.

    Express your view of the owners by all means, but don't tell us that we are too stupid to see what you see (not even by implication.)
  • Moojor said:

    What promises have they made? I'm really interested in what people view were concrete promises and not just desires and aspirations for where they want the club to be.

    Mooj, I just came on to say something similar.

    I have read/heard all the stuff the owners have said.

    So what have the 'disgruntled masses' heard or read that I have missed?

    Because I don't believe I was promised anything.
  • edited February 2018
    Tbf he has never promised anything, as far as I can see.

    He has been guilty of maybe ‘predicting’. I found it irritating to see him confess “the move only gets us one £12m player with the extra income” AFTER the move, when in campaigning for it that bit of info was conveniently left out.

    What they are on record as saying, both the Daves, is something along the lines of “there is no reason why West Ham can’t be competing for the top four/five places in a few years time”. Comments like that, whilst not promises, show an ambition which just has not been matched by money spent, the ONLY way the gap between us and the top 6 can be bridged.

    I am not anti-GSB. I think they have done good, nor do I think those who support them are ‘blind’ to their shortcomings. I like the new ground. It’s not the Boleyn but it’s the future. The view is absolutely fine, the stadium brilliant and getting an extra 20,000 fans in there (I appreciate there are issues with neutral fans, fans being absent etc), is only a good thing for the club. We will continue to grow into it over the next decade. No doubt.

    Sully, we can all agree, has put his foot in it on several occasions. Whilst there will always be an explanation or something to excuse his behaviour, the fact of the matter is, as an important club official, he is incredibly unprofessional and naive, given his experience. However, they have toned it down over the last year, especially little Jack, now that he’s growing up.

    But the first point is what is going to irritate certain people. If you DON’T have the money, fine. I don’t care. We’re not Man City or Chelsea. Let’s look for young local talent, players from the lower leagues and the very best abroad to build a side with the finances we have. No problem with that. But they have made the call (immediately after taking over) to move us to the now London Stadium, and they have gone on record on more than one occasion stating the Champions League is achievable in the future. It’s not, IMO, but they have said so. Those things combined plus the perceived lack of significant funding in proportion to what it is that is needed to move on from a mid-table/bottom half side, is what is causing unrest. Have they spent money on paper? Yes, as grey has pointed out with detailed breakdowns, the money has been spent. Has it been spent well? I would say, on the whole, no.

    But stop talking about ‘next level’ when we know and they know it’s not likely to happen without, in Sully’s own words, an ‘oil baron or investor from Abu Dhabi’. The contradictions are slightly tiring.

    Let’s focus on 10th for the short term and making sure we finished 10th-8th every season and that will allow us a shot at cup glory. Another thing that irritates certain fans, the almost sacrifice of the cup.
  • I agree with most of that, Luke.

    I think a lot of their 'ambitious talk' shall w call it (about wanting to compete with the top 6 etc) is silly. I don't know if they believe it or they think it is what we want to hear.

    I suppose offering a more realistic appraisal (we want to be consistent top 10 and maybe pushing regularly for a EL place) and a more modest assessment of the benefits of the stadium (will help make us look a bit better to foreign players, and bring in a bit of extra cash which will give us a small advantage over our direct competitors) would have upset some fans but for different reasons.
  • Wasn’t so long ago maybe couple of years that some posters on here said with a new manager we could push on and qualify for europa league on a regular basis without money and now they are happy for top ten
  • Cuz1 said:

    Wasn’t so long ago maybe couple of years that some posters on here said with a new manager we could push on and qualify for europa league on a regular basis without money and now they are happy for top ten

    The next level ;cool
  • Cuz1 said:

    Wasn’t so long ago maybe couple of years that some posters on here said with a new manager we could push on and qualify for europa league on a regular basis without money and now they are happy for top ten

    Well I never said that. ;ok
  • Macca85 said:

    Come on the ten point plan
    The stadium seating
    Sully bold January transfer window statement
    Brady’s world class stadium for a world class team speech
    It goes on and on and on

    And there is Levy building spurs new ground without a whimper no Twitter no telly no sun newspaper no transfer pledges just quietly going about his business

    But those aren't promises. Just had a quick look at the 10 point plan. Nothing in there is directly quantifiable to make it a promise, but if you want to view them all as promises then...

    1. Appoint the right manager - Bilic looked like he was the one, it didn't work out
    2. Sign new players - We have signed new players
    3. More investment in the Academy - We upgraded the academy, so it is ranked in the elite grading (or something like that)
    4. Continue to clear the debt - Debt being paid off
    5. Freeze season ticket prices for renewals - I believe this has happened
    6. Build the status and image of the club - The OS has done this, things like Henry knock this. Hard to quantify.
    7. Make it enjoyable to come and watch - Totally subjective.
    8. Get closer to the community - They are doing this
    9. Go for the Olympic Stadium - Got it
    10. Listen to supporters - Again subjective, but they have improved stuff since we moved in to the stadium. Was this on the feedback from supporters?

    What was the concrete promise on the seating? Is it the capacity? The colour? The views?

    We all know Sully opens his mouth without thinking, so which transfer statement in particular was a concrete promise that they have broken?

    World class stadium for a world class team is an aspiration, that is not a promise. It's a statement of where you want to be. They can promise to try to become a world class team but you can't promise it's going to happen.

    As I have said, this is my problem with people who have issues with the board. When pressed on the actual promises, lies etc the owners are meant to be held to account for, that information isn't there.

    Surely the Facebook group of 13000 members have collated a very simple to view, concise list of each and every verifiable promise the owners have made and how they have not delivered on those promises.

    Otherwise, how can they request time to sit down with the owners and talk about transparency etc.
  • I’d be happy with Being safe year in year out with a good cup run, I get the reasons this year with injuries but it’s the only silverware we can realistically aim for so we should go for it
  • Lukerz said:

    Comments like that, whilst not promises, show an ambition which just has not been matched by money spent, the ONLY way the gap between us and the top 6 can be bridged.

    Should that have read:
    Comments like that, whilst not promises, show an ambition which just has not been met by achievements on the pitch?

    Personally I get really fed up with the assertion that success can only be achieved through spending (other people's) money. Clearly it helps acquire players, but players alone do not a successful team make.

    I will get far more satisfaction from a successful team built by West Ham, than one bought in.

    I am certainly not a fan of Sully or Karen Brady, but we should not forget the position they inherited where we could be now without them.

  • So we sold the Boleyn to aim for 10th ish.

  • So we sold the Boleyn to aim for 10th ish.


    So you would honestly expect that within 2 years of moving, we would suddenly be a top 6 team?

  • Moojor said:

    So you would honestly expect that within 2 years of moving, we would suddenly be a top 6 team?

    Would you be saying the same in 5/10/15 years? I suspect so.
  • edited February 2018
    Our last 10 games have seen us average 1.7 pts per game. 17 points in the last 10 is 3 more than Arsenal 1 less than Chelsea and Man U. (Last 6 is 1.66)

    If that form had been displayed throughout the season, we would be level on points with Arsenal.

    I think the rotten start we had under Bilic is wrongly colouring people's judgment of our squad.

    They are showing that, under a decent Manager, they are good enough to be on the fringes of the top 6.
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