January 2017 Transfer Speculation



  • Possibly what we're waiting for. Could explain why we're not committing to Hogan ;hmm
  • In Sunderland's defence, if he's handed in a transfer request then it's clear he doesn't want to be there and they are in a tricky situation. It's not like they're being Hull here and just flogging everything off.
  • Just popped in to say that Adebayor story is quality!! The geezer has been stealing a living for years. Rav top notch picture as well ;clap

    Just seen a video of Harry talking about when he signed and then sold Benjani great stuff
  • MAIN-Emmanuel-Adebayor-muffin-gym

    So its true!!
  • I was thinking with Van Aanholt going, he must be their only other goalscorer so if you were Jermaine, you'd hardly be jumping for joy (maybe jumping ship too ;hmm )

    I have to say I'd rather we got Hogan. He's supposed to be a box poacher too, is a lot younger with resale and I'd bet we'd have to pay the same to prize Defoe away, maybe more
  • Sad times when you're second top scorer is a left back with 3 goals...
  • I think I'm with you there baz. As much as I love Defoe for his abilities as a player, I still feel Bilic wants to play only one out and out CF in his starting formation, and only go 2 up later in game if necessary. As a result spending a fair chunk of money for someone who is going to spend most of his time on the bench, and at 34 is not going to implicate our long term future might not be the way to go. With Hogan, (if he is as good as I have read) he can do the off the bench stuff the remainder of this year and also, given he's 24 be a player for the longer term future too.
  • Any striker worth his salt should be backing himself to displace Carroll tbh. Yes, the big man is in form, but if I'm a top class striker, or if I have ambitions to be a top class striker, I will know that AC will break down injured at some point, and I will be able to make the shirt my own.

    I think we are a very attractive proposition to strikers at the moment.
  • edited January 2017
    I agree that strikers should be confident in their ability. I wasn't thinking from Defoes opinion but from ours as a club. I'm sure he believes he would take Carroll's place, but I personally feel he wouldn't so his predominant work will be off the bench (on the presumption Bilic sticks with his mainly 1 designated CF formations).

    I do fully agree that we are attractive to strikers though, with only one with experience (who is oft injured), some up and coming youngsters, a winger, and a even more injured talent (Sakho) as his competition.
  • If we had either poacher, surely they'd play off Andy. AC occupies players and both would flourish off him. I dont know about Hogan but Defoes used to playing with and without a partner ( e.g. Crouch ).

    Bryam Fonte Reid Cresswell
    Kouyate Obiang
    Snodgrass Hogan Antonio

    But what shall I do with Lanzini, Noble, Feghouli, Ayew etc... Let Slaven sort it out ;wink
  • So we need a striker who is sitting on the bench waiting for AC to break his leg? No thanks.
  • Whether I agree or not, it is my belief that Bilic likes 4;2;3;1 and 4;3;3 as his favoured startring formations, with only one designated CF. When the match deems it necessary going 2 up at about 70mins.
  • 26 million pounds sterling on Schlupp and Van Aanholt ;lol
  • Money in football is now crazy Twist. £13m on Schlupp who this season couldn't get into a Leicester side that are 15th after 22 games...
  • you say that but a chinese club apparently offered 40m for slimani
  • Schlupp and Van Aanhol aren't they both LBs??

    What must it feel like to be a Sunderland fan, sold to a relegation rival their only decent defender but not worry you've just bought Lescott.......

    I bet their forum has suspended the no swearing rule...
  • I think under those circumstances we might have to think about that too.
  • To be honest, I end up watching Sunderland quite a bit and they are truly terrible, but in truth, I am not sure that Van Arnolt helps their cause, he is caught out of position many many times, is lazy, wasteful and inattentive.

    I know that many on here do a face slap whenever Antonio is in our back line, but in my opinion, Van Arnolt makes Antonio look like Lee Dixon.

  • According to C&H (yes I know) Snodgrass is 6m fee with rest in add ons and we will let Fehougli go if we get a 7-8 million offer for him ;hmm
  • Technically, the £4m in add ons for Snodgrass could be £1m each time he plays (up to 4 games)...
  • I'd rather keep Fegouli than get Snodgrass.
  • Suzanne ;ok being greedy id like to keep both..
    IMO Snodgrass can become a really good signing ..
  • I would like to keep Feghouli at least until Summer and see how he plays. This seems like a quick sale to me to generate funds
  • Feghouli is an international level winger who finally looks like he's adjusting to the EPL don't see why we'd sell and for such a low fee

    If Antonio is going to play as a striker Feghouli is our only right winger
  • I see no need to sell Feg, and I'll be very annoyed if we do. We started this season with 5 wingers; Feg, Ant, Ayew, Payet, Tore. Two of those are gone, and Ayew is currently away. I know we are no longer in Europe but we still need squad depth and options.
  • Just as an aside, imagine growing up being called Schlupp...

    I bet he's well hard

    sounds like the noise when your wellies get stuck in the mud.

    sorry - back to the thread
  • FloRad ;ok

    LW - Snodgrass and Ayew
    RW - Antonio and Feghouli

    Snodgrass is in to replace Payet. Feg stays.

    Will be very annoyed if we get rid of him
  • 1999 Two signings, done and dusted.

  • edited January 2017
    Mrs G,

    Thanks for the reminder, what a GREAT pair of signings they were. ;clap
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