New mobile theme
You will notice a change if you access the site via a mobile device.
The main difference is the 'hamburger' menu icon (3 lines in the top right corner)
Clicking on this gives you access to the menu items available in the main site, as well as the list of categories. Nice.
Upsides to the change
Mobile users get access to a wider range of options. Touch-points should be easier to access.
Downsides to the change
None that I can see.
The typical experience of reading and commenting on threads should be identical.
The menu is slightly different. If there is a strong demand for it, I can look to try to restore the shortcut to 'Create a new discussion' on the main menu, but tbh it is just a click of the 'hamburger' away.
tbh, there was less response to the request for mobile testers than would have been ideal, so if something doesn't work, I'll try to fix it if you let me know what it is.
There is a glitch with the In Memoriam link which I am sorting out. I will restore it when it works as expected.
The main difference is the 'hamburger' menu icon (3 lines in the top right corner)
Clicking on this gives you access to the menu items available in the main site, as well as the list of categories. Nice.
Upsides to the change
Mobile users get access to a wider range of options. Touch-points should be easier to access.
Downsides to the change
None that I can see.
The typical experience of reading and commenting on threads should be identical.
The menu is slightly different. If there is a strong demand for it, I can look to try to restore the shortcut to 'Create a new discussion' on the main menu, but tbh it is just a click of the 'hamburger' away.
tbh, there was less response to the request for mobile testers than would have been ideal, so if something doesn't work, I'll try to fix it if you let me know what it is.
There is a glitch with the In Memoriam link which I am sorting out. I will restore it when it works as expected.
That a big problem!
The new mobile site.
Maybe look at your browser settings and make sure view is at 100%?
Can you let me know what device you are using, and I'll have a look tomorrow.
If you click the cog icon you should see an 'Edit' link.
As this test user, I can edit the post with a 6 minute window, which is what is meant to be the case.
You have to turn ur phone to landscape to view last user / new comments
It doesn't always seem to overlap and I usually hold my phone in portrait mode. Is there a posibility to change the view without having to flip the phone?
the flipping is a question for da main man G ;cool
You can do it by changing the page number (pX) at the end of the address
The New issue isn't simply a question of hiding, although I'm not sure what it is.
Will have an investigate today.
Do we need who started the thread on there?
It is to do with too much information available for the space given.
I've just changed it to 'auto', but some still aren't showing? ;hmm
Good shout re: the author name, Rav.
Think they are showing properly now, although you may need to refresh your browser.
There has been a discussion about that on here.
I have fixed it, but you may need to delete the cache in your browser to see the changes.
Not so far.
As you say, it shouldn't really be necessary.
is where you have altered the margins on the lay out?
both stealth and normal
A spot of browser refreshing will reveal the mystery...