The Actual Transfer Window



  • Suggestions that Benrahma is off to Lyon, £5m loan fee with a £10m option in the summer. Could well be being structured this way for both accounting/FFP reasons, and the fact that Lyon are in a bit of a relegation battle so will have some flexibility if they do go down.

    Seems a reasonable deal to me, a decent loan fee so it's not the end of the world if they don't exercise the option.
  • If true, I dont see (from Lyons point of view) why a ligue 1 team would fork out 5M for just a loan. Surely they can find plaayers on loan without that.

    In terms of Benrahma I hope he goes and I wish him well too. It would be nice if the 15M plus ad ons was the accurate thing (and we let him go before someone else comes in as we have enough now players are back)
  • Bazshuayi said:

    If true, I dont see (from Lyons point of view) why a ligue 1 team would fork out 5M for just a loan. Surely they can find plaayers on loan without that.

    In terms of Benrahma I hope he goes and I wish him well too. It would be nice if the 15M plus ad ons was the accurate thing (and we let him go before someone else comes in as we have enough now players are back)

    It feels to me as though this pretty much is £15m plus add ons, unless Lyon get relegated. The loan fee is so hefty that they're almost pot-committed (to use a poker term); unless they go down, Benrahma for £10m in the summer will be a very good deal for them.
  • Yes it's a £15m fee structured as a 5m loan and then 10m if all goes to plan with the relegation fight. If not they are not further committed, but we got 5m for the loan. If all goes well he cost his correct value at 15m.
  • If Fornals goes to Betis and Benrahma goes to Lyon and we have no incomings this window that is absolutely trash management from up and down the club.
  • If Fornals goes to Betis and Benrahma goes to Lyon and we have no incomings this window that is absolutely trash management from up and down the club.

    I’d be really surprised if we let them both go and didn’t bring someone in. I know Moyes isn’t hot on either of them, but he will want some reinforcements
  • If Fornals goes to Betis and Benrahma goes to Lyon and we have no incomings this window that is absolutely trash management from up and down the club.

    I don't agree. Benrahma needs to go, Fornals wants to go and I wish him well. We have already got in a higher quality midfielder for the rest of the season and we need to wait until the window has closed to see who else may come in. Management from top to bottom has IMO done very well over the recent past getting the quality of the starting eleven to a higher level. Parqueta, Kudus, Emerson, JWP. Alvarez.
  • BBC reporting the Benrahma thing as 'obligation to buy' for £15m.

    (Over and above the loan fee!)
  • edited January 31

    If Fornals goes to Betis and Benrahma goes to Lyon and we have no incomings this window that is absolutely trash management from up and down the club.

    I don't agree. Benrahma needs to go, Fornals wants to go and I wish him well. We have already got in a higher quality midfielder for the rest of the season and we need to wait until the window has closed to see who else may come in. Management from top to bottom has IMO done very well over the recent past getting the quality of the starting eleven to a higher level. Parqueta, Kudus, Emerson, JWP. Alvarez.
    Phillips does not play on the left. We would be left with having to play Cornet on the left and no one else until Paqueta returns (which in is of itself not his best/preferred position) should Fornals and Benrahma depart. Not to mention our youth prospect who plays on the left is now out on loan.
    A team isn't going to survive long term on just having a good first 11. You need to have subs who have an impact or at least subs worthy to even make the managers mind to think about bringing on. Fornals and Benrahma should be sold but we should have a replacement to come in. If we want to just have a "good first 11" might as well get rid of Ogbonna / Cresswell / Johnson / Ings / Antonio / Fabianski / Cornet now too right ?
  • Various sources reporting that the Jota loan is off due to his massive wages and tax issues

    And Liverpool want Steidten at their new Director of Football
  • Yeold - Fornals and Benrahma were second eleven players and you need to move players out first to make space for players to come in. The gap between the first eleven and the second has grown too wide and needs to be closed, Fornals and Benrahma were not the solution to achieving that. Within the restraints of money and the financial rules better quality players are needed and that takes time but we are moving in the right direction.
  • If Fornals goes to Betis and Benrahma goes to Lyon and we have no incomings this window that is absolutely trash management from up and down the club.

    I don't agree. Benrahma needs to go, Fornals wants to go and I wish him well. We have already got in a higher quality midfielder for the rest of the season and we need to wait until the window has closed to see who else may come in. Management from top to bottom has IMO done very well over the recent past getting the quality of the starting eleven to a higher level. Parqueta, Kudus, Emerson, JWP. Alvarez.
    I tend to agree with Yeolds sentiment.
    This could end up being another repeat of the 21/22 season. Our failure to invest in the January window came back to bite us. We still ended finishing 7th but it could have been so much better.
  • I think all clubs are affected by FFP and are having to release players before they can bring in new ones which is fairly high risk. We either take the risk or keep everyone this window and bring in nobody. Ending up with a hefty points deduction is an even bigger risk. I’m sure the club’s finance and legal guys are going through this forensically.
    I think it may also explain why some clubs are recalling loanees and then immediately loaning them out to other clubs.
  • Guardian's Jacob Steinberg says Benrahma hasn't decided if he wants to go to Lyon

    All a matter of opinion I guess but this is one persons regard our recent transfers.
  • Guardian's Jacob Steinberg says Benrahma hasn't decided if he wants to go to Lyon

    I'll drive.

    I have nothing against Benrahma but for too long he has under performed. He can look okay down the left hand edge of the opposition box but too often it finishes with a soft shot to the keeper or hits row z. But my main gripe is tracking back, it looks like Moyes has taken him aside and said you must get back in these areas, which he does but when there he doesn't do anything but trot around, he doesn't get stuck in and try and win the ball back.
  • Who remembers when Trevor Francis became the first player to command a £1m fee, and the world went nuts, thankfully we did not have the internet back then as it would have certainly been “broken”

    Just reminiscing
  • Who remembers when Trevor Francis became the first player to command a £1m fee, and the world went nuts, thankfully we did not have the internet back then as it would have certainly been “broken”

    Just reminiscing

    I do, I recall being in the school playground and thinking ' we should have been all over that'
  • I do remember someone getting a Trevor Francis tracksuit from a mush in Shepherd's Bush.
  • edited January 31
    PSG are still trying to offload Ekitike. We've done business with them before, seeing as most of our preferred targets for permanent moves seem to have fallen through, I'd really like to see us try a loan with an option for Ekitike. He can play centrally or wide, and seems to prefer the left side over the right.
  • Making an effort to get him up top seems like a no brainer (which worries me)
  • According to the Telegraph Crystal Palce are considering a late bid for Cornet.
  • Biggest news is Hamilton going to Ferrari in 2025.
  • Can he play left wing?
  • We should have been ...

  • Looks like it’s happening

    ✈️⏳Saïd Benrahma will leave West Ham and fly to Lyon in the next few minutes
  • edited February 1
    I just read “Said Benrahma quitter” and that was all the translation I needed
  • Good luck Benny ,Thanks for your time with us .Will .Always be remembered for that penalty in the Europa conferance final
  • Want to watch Deadline Day on Sky Sports News, but it's been Carragher bleating on for the last 15 minutes 🤮🤮🤮
  • We're being linked with Sarr from Marseille. We were also linked with him when Watford were relegated, but went with his team-mate Cornet instead. Weren't there suggestions at the time that Sarr, although talented, was a difficult player to have within the squad?
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