If you wore it at a fancy dress party you’d be criticised and maybe even arrested for cultural misappropriation but it appears anything goes if it’s football related. I know Newcs fans won’t be offended but non football Saudi’s may be
You're being too cynical MrsGrey, surely the choice of green is an environmental message that Newcastle are promoting and purely coincidental that they're the same colours as Saudi. It's obviously an encouragement that we should move away from fossil fuels .... oh, wait .
My take on what you said ...
1. Many Newcs fans might be offended... why would you think they would all be OK with it?
2. Is there are crime of cultural misappropriation in the UK .. I think not, so nobody would be arrested. Were you referring to anther country?
3. Not everything goes if it's football related. There are laws ...
4. Even 'football Saudi's' may be offended.
5. And, probably, there are 'non-football Saudi's' who aren't offended.
#complicated #justfolks
It's obviously an encouragement that we should move away from fossil fuels .... oh, wait .