Board/Fan Relationship



  • Claimed it was a derisory offer.... he offered an amount which was well under the value that was put on the club by some outside investment assessor.
  • Michael Tabor is a long term West Ham supporter who in my book is in a whole different league to the David's. He has fingers in quite a few pies, not least horse racing and bloodstock business. I have heard him speak on a few occasions in the media and comes across no nonsense, very shrewd and very classy. If hypothetically he were to be our new owner the one thing I would say would improve immediately is that when he speaks you respect him and he comes across entirely credible, unlike Sully when opening his mouth about players etc.

    He seems to be a part of a group of friends who consistently enter into business opportunities together, this group consists of some very well respected and wealthy Irish guys, such as John Magnier, JP Mcmanus and another East London guy called Joe Lewis, who significantly owns Enic, the company that own Spurs.

    It's a rumour but were it to have any truth in it I would consider a good development as Michael Tabor doesn't often back losers.
  • Not sure think it was Harry Redknapp who was calling for tabor when he was in charge if my memory serves me right
  • But wasn't it Magnier and McManus who made millions out of the Glazier take over of Man U and Lewis can't touch West Ham as he owns Spurs. Don't think I want those three near West Ham.
  • Yes they held shares in Man Utd which Glazier bought from them when launching his take over. I certainly haven't examined the business interests of Michael Tabor but I do know the existing bar isn't set too high when you know our two current owners are ex porn barons.
  • edited February 2018
    It was rumoured he was worth $2bn in 2010 but £500M a few years afterwards. I think it's one of those cases where his true worth is not revealed.
  • It was rumoured he was worth $2bn in 2010 but £500M a few years afterwards.

    Skint then thorn mate
  • Are you saying it was excellent because it matched your views. My take was it was based on supposition and what had been reported in their newspapers. How they can state that West Ham fans don't like the stadium ( some don't ), they don't like the team (maybe a minority few don't ) and it's the worst run club in the league is ridiculous. What about Watford, palace etc who change managers every few months.
  • There’s a lot of worst run clubs than ours I get that but I don’t care about other clubs never have never will, I want what’s best for my/ our West Ham and I believe the board can and should be doing more than they are if they can’t step aside or let someone else have a share interest in us to help take us forward I don’t mean champions league I mean a team with an outside chance of gate crashing it and maybe a better chance for a decent cup run instead of having to put out teams to give the first team a breather, and also to stop spouting off and stop writing for that rag because I’m sure she don’t need the money
  • thorn, by the same token how do you know they are wrong?
  • If we finish top half of the table with maximum profits, we will be one of the best run clubs in Europe on paper.
  • edited February 2018
    IronHerb said:

    thorn, by the same token how do you know they are wrong?

    Statements of opinions can never be right or wrong, by definition. That's what makes them statements of opinion.

    Or have I misunderstood your question?
  • Mrs G, by the same token, I quite like that phrase, thorn is questioning Maccas opinion so I questioned why his opinion was the right one.
  • edited February 2018
    Herb, my reading of his post (I'm sure thorn can clarify) is that he was asking what Macca based the 'excellent' bit of his opinion on. thorn never said his own opinion (;my take') was 'right' - it seemed to me he was disagreeing with Macca and offering reasons for his own point of view. (which Macca didn't) ;hmm
  • That's exactly it Mrs G. I was just giving my opinion which was different to Macca's and saying why I had my opinion. Macca's may be more "right" than mine but I don't know why he had his opinion.
  • Opinions aren't facts and the opinion of a Telegraph journo is no more valid than anyone else's.

    The fact is that Sullivan owns 51.1% of West Ham United, David Gold owns 35.1%, between them they have a controlling interest in the club and don't have to answer to anybody when it comes to how then run it no matter how badly people think they're performing.

    It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, it doesn't matter if the fans don't like the new stadium, it doesn't matter if they don't like the team, it doesn't matter how many people march, it doesn't matter how many "sack the board" banners are unfurled.

    S&G OWN West Ham United.

    The Tabor thing is interesting, especially as Albert 'Tripp' Smith bought Straumu's 10% in September. If Tabor does want 40% the assumption is that he'd be buying shares from Sullivan and Gold, reducing their combined holding to 46.2% which means Terrence Brown's group's 3.8% becomes very important.

    I seem to remember that Tony Cottee says quite a lot about the Tabor attempted takeover in 1997 in the second part of his autobiography "West Ham: The inside story" , I'll have a quick butchers while I'm on my way over to deepest darkest Dagenham to see Old Mother shrugged
  • Terrence Brown's group's 3.8% becomes very important.

  • I know, Suze, its rather unsettling

    Like letting Dracula run the blood bank
  • Sorry cannot trust a thing that clown
    Says anymore, he’s not fit to run our club
    Just keep your mouth shut unless it’s to tell
    The fans your selling the club .
  • I would prefer if the protest in March was done last home game of the season so we can avoid anymore distractions from trying to stay up
  • Adding to the fire on social media today...

    This is where the East Stand would have been People questioning the supposed height restriction on redeveloping the chicken run......

  • I would prefer if the protest in March was done last home game of the season so we can avoid anymore distractions from trying to stay up

    If we go down it certainly wont be down to any fan reaction.
  • PLF -They didn't wait in 1991-92 when they were protesting the Bond Scheme while we were in a relegation fight and we ended up bottom.

    They didn't wait in 1996/97 when we were in the relegation zone, the board were pleading poverty and Tabor was trying to buy the club. They found the money to buy Hartson and Kitson down the back of the sofa, we ended up 15th.

  • Adding to the fire on social media today...

    This is where the East Stand would have been People questioning the supposed height restriction on redeveloping the chicken run......

    Well, if they are questioning it, why don't they look it up. It would have been a matter of public record.


    Somewhat depressing view of the club, but not an uncommon one I'd argue.
  • Clearly not a West Ham supporter so not interested.
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