WHU606 Hammer of the Year

edited August 2023 in Men's First Team
If you'll all humour me, I want to try something for 2023/24. I learned about another clubs forum where they have a scientific way of selecting a player of the year, and I would love to steal their idea, but it requires (a tiny amount of) help from you all as forum members.

Basically, the way it works is every game, people just say who their man of the match was. I count up who people voted for, whoever gets the most votes is MOTM, second most is runner up, third most is third. Nice and simple. Then, at the end of the year, each player gets 3pts for a MOTM, 2pts for coming second, 1pt for coming third, and we have a nice little league table to tell us who our collective Hammer of the Year is. To make it manageable, I'll only count MOTM votes until the end of the day after a match (i.e. Saturday games have a cut off of midnight Monday morning).

You don't really need to do much, just please pop your MOTM into the match thread at the end of the game. A lot of people do this anyway, but I wanted to announce this so that, if you're someone who doesn't, you can chip in if you want to.


  • Sounds like our resident statman needs a stronger stat fix this coming season 😂🤣😂
  • Is this for all games, league and cups?
  • This sounds like an incredible amount of work for you. Good luck!
  • This sounds like an incredible amount of work for you. Good luck!

    He loves it 😂🤣😂
  • He loves it 😂🤣😂
    I was going to suggest having a poll link or something but I think he actually wants to do the manual data collection - like his starting ancestors would have
  • IronHerb said:

    Is this for all games, league and cups?

    I was thinking so, yes. But I’m going to differentiate between competitions, so that we can see if the cups skew things
  • I was going to suggest having a poll link or something but I think he actually wants to do the manual data collection - like his starting ancestors would have
    I want to do polls! But I don’t think the functionality is on the site anymore, and I think even when it was it needed to be a new thread every time. I could do a separate poll after each game, but I don’t want to make it even slightly difficult for anyone else as then people might not do it!
  • This sounds like an incredible amount of work for you. Good luck!

    Also, I’ve already got it all set up. It’s literally just reading comments after a game and tallying MOTMs which I’m hoping will be pretty straight forward
  • Great idea ,First game Bournemouth I will go with Rice ,Is that how it works =)
  • alderz said:

    Also, I’ve already got it all set up. It’s literally just reading comments after a game and tallying MOTMs which I’m hoping will be pretty straight forward
    Won't it be a lot easier just to do a separate thread after each match solely for MOTM, will be a lot less work and less chance of missing a nomination when sifting through a whole match thread?
  • Putting MOTM in the search bar should make it quite easy I would think?
  • Have you thought about mail merging a pivot table including a v look up to populate the data 😵‍💫
  • Link to a Google poll to go in the opening post of thread?

    I think the manual approach is definitely the one that would ensure most people give their input.
  • I will only do it if I've seen the match.
  • Won't it be a lot easier just to do a separate thread after each match solely for MOTM, will be a lot less work and less chance of missing a nomination when sifting through a whole match thread?
    Possibly, but then I'd need to make a new thread every match, AND people would have to post in it. After the first game or two of the season we'll see how much work it is.
  • In the absence of a poll, maybe people could use the :+1: to show agreement. Might be easier for you counting up, and help keep MOM names from being missed if they are part of a longer post?
  • Yeah that could work. I'll just see how it goes to start with, and adapt where needed, I thnk.
  • What about if you turn the match off after ten minutes, or take the dog out?😉
  • Given some of the performances last season, can we have a “None of the Above” option? 😜⚒
  • I think the post won man of the match once. Or did I dream it?
  • I think the post won man of the match once. Or did I dream it?

    Not sure that was our post, though.

    Maybe Forest away.
  • It was our post. It made a number of critical saves to give us an unlikely and undeserved result. In all reality, not a dream, we beat Hull! I found the link and a new belief in my own recall ability:

  • steve said:

    Great idea ,First game Bournemouth I will go with Rice ,Is that how it works =)

    Wash your mouth out 😉 😁
  • Question for you all:

    In the instance of TSC this week with three players getting 7 votes, do I just give all of them 1st place, or do I use something like WhoScored or SofaScore’s official match rating to break the tie?
  • Give them all 1st place its our thread ,not whoscored or any other site
  • If they got the votes, they get the win!

    Is my take on it.
  • edited September 2023
    If you're still doing 3 points for MOTM, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for third, then any tied position gets averaged imo. Here, as all 3 tied, they get 2 points each, if it was 2 players tied at the top then 2.5 points each, 1 point for third. Sorry if that's mean 😂🤣😂.
  • Not for me.

    If you divide the points like that, it could end up (theoretically) that a player who often gets voted MOTM but tied with another player, could lose out on HOTY to a player who got voted MOTM fewer times but didn't tie with another player.

    Which doesn't seem fair? Or what the thread is designed to determine?
  • edited September 2023
    MrsGrey said:

    Not for me.

    If you divide the points like that, it could end up (theoretically) that a player who often gets voted MOTM but tied with another player, could lose out on HOTY to a player who got voted MOTM fewer times but didn't tie with another player.

    Which doesn't seem fair? Or what the thread is designed to determine?

    But if he's tied with another player, he's not truly MOTM, is he? I honestly believe that averaging the points in the event of ties is by far the fairest way of doing things.

    If 5 players all tied, or 10 players in a truly average performance, should they all get the same points as the one guy who truly bosses it in the next game?
  • I kind of see your pov.

    But at the heart of this is just opinion.

    If you want to get a definitive ' who bossed it' you'd have to go beyond opinion, which is influenced by many things like who you are looking to do well, if you value a last ditch block more than an adventurous ( Benrahma aargh) mazy run, if an assist for a match winning goal is worth more than the 3rd goal in a thrashing of a poor opposition.

    A good player in an average performance is just as much motm as a brilliant showing in a different game. You play the game you are in.

    If it's an iffy-ish game, should we say, ok, nobody can be motm? Cos they don't deserve it?

    Again, not imo.

    But alderz set it up so perhaps had a clearer Idea of what it is intended to achieve. So can decide on criteria when MOTM isn't really MOTM..

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