Latest Injury (and Recovery!) Mews



  • Yeold

    Well, I pretty much disagree with all of that. ;ok


  • I was surprised how pleased I was to see Sakho playing: his running and intensity have been sorely missed. If they sell him in January, I'm not sure what my reactions will be. Right now I'd keep him to help get something from this damp squib of a season, and go for the "wonder striker" next summer. Or perhaps we could search for the Yeti, or the Loch Ness Monster.
  • We can't sell him in January.
  • edited November 2016
    With Calleri and Zaza both failing to make the grade and likely to be sent back to their teams I doubt if we'll sell Sakho unless we can get someone better as that would leave us with just Carroll, Ayew (who isn't primarily a striker) and Fletcher (who might be going out on loan). Also Ayew is off to ACON so we're going to be desperate for someone up front.

    And following our miserable attempts to buy a top striker in the summer I somehow doubt we're going to be any more successful in January.
  • I forgot Calleri even existed

  • Few reports that Sakho is out for 3-4 weeks.
  • edited November 2016
    It's so disappointing ;weep

    If he'd avoided injury, he'd be through his pre-season and reaching peak form in time for the Christmas period when we have winnable games coming thick and fast.
  • I bring good news Mrs Grey from the BBC gossip column - your tears are premature!

    West Ham are in talks with Simone Zaza's advisers and are hoping to remove the substantial appearance clause in the 25-year-old Italy striker's contract. (Sun)

    This means we will be able to play him for the rest of the whole season without needing buy him - can only be a good thing! *

    * for each and every opposition team we play effectively having reduced ourselves to ten men voluntarily.

  • Only the Dave's could negotiate an appearance deal on a striker unproven in England, then try and remove it by Xmas.
  • Who said they negotiated it. Slav wanted him and maybe it was insisted upon.
  • Well I'd be pretty worried if the Dave's weren't the main negotiators.
  • I've never actually read Slav saying he wanted Zaza.
  • edited November 2016
    He does the negotiations. Always has done.

    As for who sets the priorities in terms of targetted players ....

    I'd always assume that was the manager (unless the club in question has a director of football).
  • Like

    I don't think 'wanted' is the right word here, considering we tried to buy half the world's strikers in the summer!
  • According to the American coverage of our games, Slav asked a few of the other guys in the studio at the Euro's if he should sign Zaza.
  • ya I heard that and they said NO but he did anyway ;weep ,still we all make mistakes ...........except me of course ;biggrin
  • It was ok giving Zaza a chance (but to bear in mind he'd never been prolific or even close to it). I gave him a chance in gameweek 4 from pure WHU loyalty but I only gave him 2 games in the side before I transferred him out. ;wink (one game was probably enough)

  • edited November 2016
    No surprise though.

    How many 6 week plus injury lay-offs has he had? About as injury prone as Andy. His muscles seem to be made of glass.

    At some point we'll sign a reliable frontman. The ones that stay fit are always rubbish.
  • With all due respect we seem to have been saying this 2 years now with sak and carroll never ever going to be people we can build a squad around .

    just as one comes back the other gets yet another injury will we ever learn what
    could have been a good season has turned into a relagation struggle through poor signings and historic injury prone strikers.

  • He'll still outscore Zaza in that period
  • when will it end ;weep
  • Swift you could outscore Zaza ;lol
  • it will end when we are forced to buy Zaza for 20m he will always stay fit but couldn't hit a Barn door ;biggrin
  • Yup. We either keep faith with strikers that can't score but stay fit: Maiga, Zaza and Carlton Cole (the latter being the most prolific - did I just write that!)

    Or mediocre strikers that can't stay fit for 90 minutes.

    Is it a question of poor investment? Stupidity? Bad luck? who knows.

    Maybe next year we can get Defoe or Benteke when they get relegated.
  • sweepy please don't mention the word Relegated.... ;sofa
  • Good point Steve. My Dad thinks we will go down
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