My friend Vic.

Morning everyone. I wanted to post this in case anyone is interested.
My friend Vic passed away a couple of weeks ago after an unbelievable battle with cancer. He was one of the nicest blokes you could meet and leaves a wife and three children. He was larger than life and created our village brewery. He was so helpful to anyone and was an ardent Hammer through and through.
Despite his illness he managed to get to the Euro final to see his beloved hammers lift the cup. He sang You are the one and only with his good friend Chesney Hawkes that night and was interviewed on tv the following day.
At his funeral yesterday attended by about 1,500 people the whole of our village was decked out in WHU flags and the service was screened in our three pubs where the bar staff wore WHU shirts. The church couldn’t hold all the mourners. His wife played a small clip
of a recording he made shortly before his death where there was a tapping noise and he said “Blimey it’s a bit dark in here.” That is an example of Vic’s sense of humour.
I’ve posted a couple of photos of the funeral procession with his West Ham coffin.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.