Keep logged in

Recently I seem to have lost the functionality of being kept logged in and have to sign in every time at the Howdy Stranger portal, not a major issue but has anyone else noticed the change


  • Not had that problem Chicago, mine occasionally logs me out but mostly stays logged in.
  • Yep as white horse says
    Prob get logged out approx once a month
  • Whatever is causing it is on your device.

    Mostly it's to do with cookies - their settings and how often they get deleted.
  • Have you , for example, got a new phone? Or logging in on a different laptop...
  • Thanks - will double check settings etc, no new device, just started happening the other day out of the blue, like others, i occasionally got bumped but only after a decent amount of time.

    Thanks for the replies
  • Let us know how you get on, and maybe the combined wisdom of the group can find a solution :-)
  • Sometimes when I've been logged out in the past, I've had to tick the "Stay logged in" box
  • Will let you know, funnily enough, logged onto site on train after 5 hours break and got straight on, I got nuffin
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