edited May 25 in Match Threads
Watching this as I have nothing better to do .Come on City never want utd to win anything


  • Sorry did not know it was already posted perhaps a mod could get rid
  • No we can keep this one.
  • It's new and shiny. =)
  • Okay thanks
  • What is going on utd 2 up
  • Man U two up. Unexpected!

    And Ten Hag still might get the sack. lol
  • Pep should have struck with his lucky jumper.
  • Don't fancy the City dressing room at half time
  • Half time 2-0 it's .Looks like its just the 2 of us watching this MrsGrey
  • I don’t mind this result.
    It means that even if we had finished 7th it wouldn’t have got European football. And as an added bonus Newcastle lose out too.
  • I started watching it fell asleep and woke up and Man Utd have scored two goals. Hahaha
  • Welcome to the party guys
  • Hopefully they'll both lose in the second half
  • MrsGrey said:

    Man U two up. Unexpected!

    And Ten Hag still might get the sack. lol

    I wonder if Talksport will tell ManU fans to be careful what they wish for?
  • Poor keeping there.
  • Will be an interesting end to this game
  • Commentators going a bit over the top (IMHO) classifying this as a giant killing performance.
  • ManU showing that Moyesball works 🤔
  • As a neutral, I found myself thinking that's the worst result this season. Can't be bothered to sort out why but that's what I thought at the time.
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