
This discussion was created from comments split from: Couldn't Think - from January 2024.


  • edited May 18
    Not a football post but does anyone have a view on the boxing this evening. It's a very intriguing fight in my view and will answer a lot of questions.

    Is Fury the real deal?
    Much of his credibility is based on beating Wilder twice and drawing once, but Wilders stock is very much discredited after his fight with Parker in which I don't think he won a round.

    Can Usyk overcome the size difference of the biggest fighter out there?
    There is little doubt Usyk is technically one of the best in any division but at heavyweight you can have to give a lot of weight away which is never easy no matter how good you are. There is a reason they have weight categories.

    I have no idea how it will go but suspect Fury may try and keep his distance with the long jab, hence his weight loss. I am not sure about current his mentality which is a big part of Fury, his strength and his weakness, if Usyk starts to have success early he could collapse.

    My hope is for Usyk to win as he is all that's good about the sport where as the Fury camp (mainly his Dad are a travelling circus bringing the worst. I can't stand a bully and John Fury was such a bully this week when headbutting that lad, the smallest guy he could find. I think if it goes to points however then Usyk will have to be a good few rounds ahead as Fury is the bigger money maker for the sport.

    Looking forward to it.
  • edited May 18
    I'm very much looking forward to it as well. There's no doubt that Usyk is a very good boxer, but he's not a natural heavyweight in this day and age; I can't help feeling that Fury will be a step too far for him.

    I think Fury's last fight will have been a big wake up call for him and I suspect he'll be spot on with his preparation. He's lighter than he's been in years, and he always moved well even when he was carrying way too much weight. He's a canny boxer too; I think he'll work Usyk's body on a regular basis, and he's got a very significant height and reach advantage, and he looks in his best shape for a long time.

    I know Usyk, despite again giving away weight, height and reach, comfortably beat AJ twice, but I think Fury is a much better technically fighter than AJ. I also think AJ hasn't been the same since losing to Andy Luis and that his approach in the 2 fights against Usyk was completely wrong against a technically much better boxer.

    Fury wins it imo, unless his eye gets cut again; that's the only way I can see Usyk winning.
  • Think ifnthey were a few hears younger I'd be a bit kroe confident, think Fury is a horrible style matchup for Usyk becuad of his size, speed and length

    But Fury is 35 and has been in wars both in and out the ring, both take a toll and while he's got himself into great shape he may have left it in the gym

    Usyk is 37, no spring chicken himself and thought the looked a bit bi's age vs AJ in the rematch, and is vulernabekt i the body with a style that I imagine is quite physically demanding. But he keeps himself in shape and hasn't been in many wars, hes the older man but his body is younger than Furys

    Still fancying Tyson, just think he uses his range then his size up close to smother Usyk.

    But I wouldn't be surprised if Usyk pulls it off, Tyson looked absolutely horrible vs Ngannou who had no business being in the ring with him
  • I think Usyk just edged it on points.
  • I scored it 114-113 Usyk, but there were some very close rounds.
  • I agree with that Buffy. I do think if the ref had not stepped in front of Usyk's punch that was about to connect in the 9th it would have been all over as it was about to connect heavy and cleanly. I am not sure why he didn't stop the fight or let him finish him off, the ref saved him. By the 8th I had Fury winning by three or four rounds but Usyk won all from 9 onwards with a 10-8 in the 9th.

    It will be a great second fight as they both should have worked out what worked for them and be able to tweak the game plan.
  • Yea also scored it 114-113 Usyk

    Thought by the end of the 6th Fury had "figured him out" and was looking in control but Usyk made some adjustments and became more aggressive and brought the fight to Tyson. Also think Tyson abandoned the body attack that was working so well for him in the mid rounds.

    The knockdown was huge, say what you want about Fury but the guys ability to recover from the brink of being stopped is incredible. Think he was a touch lucky not to be stopped, but I also agree that by the letter of the law, a standing 8 count can be administered if the ref felt the ropes kept him from hitting the canvas which it clearly did. Plus in a fight of this magnitude the fighters deserve the opportunity to show if they can recover (which he did).

    But Fury never got back into the fight after the KD, he was afraid to let his hands go and Usyk was throwing confident that he knew he could hurt Tyson

    Great fight, 2 great champions, sure they'll run it back again as per the contract and it'll be another fun watch. Think Fury had enough success that he can make some adjustments to win, although Usyk will also learn a lot from this match
  • Decent fight. I’ve never really liked Fury but man has he got some err…….. guts.He was done at the end of the ninth but cleared his head and got back into it.
    I made the gap a bit wider than some and thought Usyk was a worthy winner by three rounds.
  • edited May 25
    Taylor-Catterall 2 goes to the judges, surely Catterall gets it this time after a very suspect split decision win for Taylor in the first fight.

    Edit: Yep, it goes to Catterall, maybe by a wider margin than I expected, but the right man won.
  • I didn't see the fight but it sounds like the decision went the right way. Another fight where belts were irrelevant.

    I think that's where things are going now and who has the belt, now there are so many of them, should be less important and the racket of these WBC, WBA IBF and WBO can be pushed back against. Usyk has been threatened with losing a belt after having just unified them but he is the Champion because of who he has beaten and any fan recognises that regardless of belts. If any heavyweight wants to say they are the best they have no grounds until they beat Usyk. If that guy raises his profile by beating people then he will become box office and promoters will make that fight. The sport doesn't need the belts anymore.

    The biggest fight out there for fans at present is probably Fury Vs Joshua and they don't have a belt between, them, yet it would be a huge fight financially and probably break PPV records in the UK.
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