The Moorowasmagic league minute game: A Villa 16:09:19 20:00
The Rules
Correctly guess what time the first :goal: is scored before kick off and win a
Win more than anyone else and you win the league :champagne:
IronHerb is our resident champion so get the same amount of that him and you share the title.
Good luck everyone :luck:
Honours Board
A bit of previous
Our first visit to Villa Park since 2015. The game ended 1-1 (Cresswell 45+2).
Correctly guess what time the first :goal: is scored before kick off and win a
Win more than anyone else and you win the league :champagne:
IronHerb is our resident champion so get the same amount of that him and you share the title.
Good luck everyone :luck:
Honours Board
A bit of previous
Our first visit to Villa Park since 2015. The game ended 1-1 (Cresswell 45+2).
This discussion has been closed.
07 ammerinaberdeen
08 Fortuneseeker
11 IronHerb
13 Suzanne
16 Cuz1
17 Expat_Hammer
18 Diamantis_Are_Forever
19 DJ Hammer
22 swhts
25 imagelost
41 MrsGrey
43 Ace of Clubs
06 Hammerwombat
07 ammerinaberdeen
08 Fortuneseeker
11 IronHerb
13 Suzanne
14 thornburyiron
15 CleverTrevor
16 Cuz1
17 Expat_Hammer
18 Diamantis_Are_Forever
19 DJ Hammer
22 swhts
23 Hammerex
25 imagelost
33 Brother_Sledge
41 MrsGrey
43 Ace of Clubs
47 whupathman
58 everhopeful
0 goals