Changeover to new site - PLEASE READ

BACKGROUND - not crucial you read this

I've made all the updates on a separate server (for testing purposes and so the site wasn't offline for about three weeks while I worked out what the deuce was going on...)

I had thought to just copy and paste that image onto our current server, but that seems not to be as straightforward as I thought.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN - this bit is useful but not crucial

Every website has a unique IP address. Currently, our webserver is at

Type that into a web browser, and you'd find yourself at Barspetsa, the first site I made, which shares the webserver with our forum.

The new address will be - if you type that in, you will go directly to our new testing forum.

At the changeover point, I will change the DNS records for to point to the new address.

DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours to reach all name servers.

Once the change has been made, I will put up a redirect page here, asking visitors to go to

Even if the change to hasn't reached the DNS server your ISP happens to use, typing that number directly will go to the forum.

KEY POINT - this is the bit you need to understand

After the change has been made, you can type into your web browser to get to the forum, even if gives you an error, or brings you here.


  • If you skipped everything but the last bit, you don't need to worry that you'll always have to type that string of numbers in.

    It's a temporary thing for a day or so.
  • Thanks Mrs grey glad you cleared that up as grey not for the first time confused me ;biggrin
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