Joao Mario confirmed

edited January 2018 in Completed Transfers

Gimme a minute and I'll move over the relevant comments from the transfer speculation thread.


  • A sporting fan assessment of Mario.

    It seems like he will give us options which is great..

  • A sporting fan assessment of Mario.

    It seems like he will give us options which is great..


    We need it at the moment
  • This is the kind of business we hoped for and it has come. A good deal from what I can see, not that I know much of him but if he prompted Inter to spend 35m and is used to playing in the Italian league he is at the right level. On paper he is someone who could take the pressure off of Lanzini as our only creative player in Midfield.

    It is also good that we have not had to commit the funds unless all happy at the end of the season. I imagine he would like a champions league club so will be using us to promote himself but we also have the opportunity to impress him and sign him up, whilst if he turns out a complete Zsa Zsa we can return him and go shopping again.

    Credit where it's due, the board have been getting a right bashing for no business so far but it has come (well nearly) and is of the right calibre, it wasn't someone from Turkey or Rotherham as we may have feared, I think we may need another signing even if only on loan to compensate for the Carroll long term and Arnie short term injury up front.
  • edited January 2018
    Interesting signing this, potentially very exciting. Not saying it’s a bad thIng but this has the hallmarks of a sully signing. I am sure moyes’ preference was for players who had played in England. I hope though that it doesn’t turn into another zaza - a player good on paper but fallen down the pecking order at a serie A club
  • BBC reporting the deal is done, not on the OS yet...
  • He’s been signed according to wiki ;lol
  • On bbc now as being completed
  • imagelost said:

    imagelost said:

    McHammer said:


    Is he here yet

    Is he here yet
    Is he here yet
  • Mario ,Mario save our season ;hmm did I jump the gun there ;pray
  • Looked on google seems impressive though can’t say I’ve heard of him but ay I’d not heard much of payet and he wasn’t bad
  • edited January 2018
    ;pray let’s see him in action first,we don’t need anymore donkys or 10 games a season merchants ;ok
  • Has he scored yet?
  • edited January 2018
    I think he has amazing potential. As Moyes said, it's a case of how quickly he can adjust to the Premier League and our style of play. Lanzini covers a lot of ground as he does a lot more defensive work than people realise. I hope Joao Mario realises the intensity and pace of the Premier League and that he's going to need to cover a lot of ground at WHU as we can't get away with "luxury" players who don't do the defensive work (which the bigger teams sometimes can get away with).

    Overall though, happy and excited. Albeit defensive midfield is a position I thought we were looking to strengthen in!
  • The said........

    Central midfield and right-sided players are among those Moyes is expected to target when the window opens next week,

    But Moyes actual quote is.........

    "I think we’re short in some areas and overloaded in others. For example, we’ve got lots of forwards, we’re really short of midfield players. We’ve got quite a few who are comfortable playing on the left, but not so many who can play on the right, so we’ve got a little bit of an imbalanced squad which we’ve got to straighten out in January if we can."

    No actual quote from him about a central (or defensive) midfielder.....
  • Apparently he his woke up to tie his laces before training and tweaked his hamstring 4-6 weeks they saying ;whistle
  • edited January 2018
    Has he even signed yet? Still nothing on the OS ;tumbleweed
  • I got fed up with waiting, here's one I made earlier...

    Lets hope he is indeed super!

  • From Moyes column in the Standard

    "I don’t want to say too much until it is done but I was at the Euro 2016 Final when Portugal played France, so I had an opportunity to watch Joao there. He can play in a number of roles. There’s a little bit of Manuel Lanzini about his play. He could play off the left or right and even as a No10 if needed.

    I hope he will be a player who will create and score a few goals for us. Even before Manu’s injury we were looking to add some creativity but now the need for that type of player is even more acute. At the start of the window the move didn’t look like it would happen but as the days have gone on it became more likely."
  • Has he even signed yet? Still nothing on the OS ;tumbleweed

    Seriously, fella had the medical nearly 24 hours ago. What have we done to him?!
  • Really strange for the BBC to confirm so early...

    I hope no one has turned he head before his put pen to paper.
  • Yikes, it wasn't Redknapp driving the cab was it

  • No, the OS is always the last to know. ;ok
  • Hoping it's not due to those poxy reveal videos

    Like Sanchez was captured the night before in a United shirt with a camera doing the "video" but it wasn't announced until much later in the day when they released it all together
  • Probably waiting for the club shop to open so they can print his name on the back of a shirt then find somewhere for the photos as we are not allowed in the stadium on non matchdays
  • Well he was in Mayfair last night at the Korean restaurant Jinjuu ...

    Maybe it will be a double signing, wouldn't mind Sideshow bob...

  • He's not the one in the middle, right? ;pray
  • Has he even signed yet? Still nothing on the OS ;tumbleweed

    Seriously, fella had the medical nearly 24 hours ago. What have we done to him?!
    With the amount of injuries we have I'd be surprised if we even have a medical in order to sign for us. Probably something extreme like 'do 10 star jumps' - yep, he's fine
  • Or a pre medical medical....
  • MrsGrey said:

    He's not the one in the middle, right? ;pray

    That is Dennis Wise and I claim my £5
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